Aquaponics Fish

When deciding the type of aquaponics fish to grow, there are a few things you must keep in mind. For one, you need to decide whether you are growing them for food or just to run your aquaponics system.
Certain countries or states in countries, put bans on particular fish species and make them illegal to be grown, so the next thing you need to do is check with your local University or AG extension office to identify what fish are banned and avoid those.
There are many different types aquaponics fish, climate conditions and available supplies are two important points you need consider. Trout and Tilapia is definitely the more popular specie in aquaponics. This is mainly due to them being hardy, grow fast and taste delicious. Trout is more suitable for colder geographical locations and Tilapia for hotter climates.
If you’re not into growing fish for food, gold fish, guppies, koi and betas are also suitable aquaponics fish depending on the scale of your system of course. The main concern here is the fish must produce sufficient excrement to be converted into nitrate for the plants to flourish (more “poo” = more nitrate).
Now, let’s look at a little bit more detail in some of the more…

Popular Aquaponics Fish

Aquaponics TilapiaTilapia 

Tilapia is an extremely hardy species, they taste good and fast growing. Lives happily in temperatures between 74 – 78 degrees F. Grows to plate size in about 6 – 9 months (ideal conditions). Omnivorous and eats pellet fish, veggies from the system & duckweed and can be stocked in high densities.

Aquaponics TroutTrout

Trouts like colder water in the range of about 64-68 F. A great tasting fish but need pristine water conditions to grow healthily. They have extremely fast growth ratios and are sensitive to pH changes. They would reach plate size in 12-16 months and are great aquaponic fish.

BarramundiAquaponics Barramundi

Barramundi is one of the more majestic species of edible fish, they grow in warmer temperature and is a delicacy especially if grown in an aquaponics environment. A good choice for summer. Buy mature stock and harvest them by the end of the season.
Aquaponics Crappies


Crappies is one of the favorites for aquaponics as they develop really well in a closed loop system and they are very good to eat.

Aquaponics CatfishCatfish

Catfish is a popular species among fish farmers in the United States and Australia. Their meat is so smooth and tasty especially when steam cooked. They tend to be more sensitive to temperature, pH and water quality and can be harvested in 5-10 months.

Aquaponics Silver PerchSilver Perch

Silver Perch is a hardy native Australian fish and they can survive in high temperature variants. The downside is that they take a comparatively longer time to grow from fingerlings to adult size.

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